Vendtor Skull Update

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Scientists still baffled

Those following this story will remember the excitement in the scientific community [1].

The origin of this strange skull, 60cm from temple-to-temple, remains a mystery.

After months of deliberation, a decision was made regarding the Swan-Crispin Institute application [1]. Permission was given to drill into the solid core of the artifact in order to extract sample material.

Finding fragments of DNA in the extracted material, Swan-Crispin scientists were at the threshold of a momentus discovery.

Crusty cousin?

Supprisingly, the Vendtor DNA showed a match closer to a seahorse than to any mammal, contrary to expectations [1]. Although a seahourse looks like it may be a crustacean, it is actually a fish.

A further round of applications and regulatory challenges were faced, with the Swan-Crispin Institue successful in their request to attempt cloning with the recovered DNA [1].

Viable life!

Using the seahorse as a template and surrogate, positive results were suprisingly easily, resulting in a viable lifeform.

Not for the weak-stomached, this equatic lifeform moved fast, scouring the containment tank of all biological material. More sprising was the creature’s ability to break-down and consume anything with a high silicate content [1].

Swan-Crispin scientists were about to learn more about the creature, the hard way.

While trying to repeat the cloning process, using the aquatic Vendtor as the source for DNA, the original lifeform was overlooked. It grew. fast.

The destruction and loss of life was horrific. Recovery teams were able to preserve the skull of the Vendtor lifeform, the only biological matter found at the facility. The release of this information made it clear that no evidence of people, alive or dead, were found in the rubble [1].

Where is it now?

The preserved skull of the cloned Vendtor is not known to the general public, or to the Swan-Crispin Institute.

Swann-Crispin scientists that were not at the institute at the day of the incident have speculated as to how the creature may have looked [1].

We think they have shown little imagination.


A gallery of images of what we think the creature would look like will be added here, if we can keep our lunch down.

[1] The important bit

This is fantasy. The Vendtor story and images were created by and are owned by DiscoGypsyFish [2]. This article was created to provide a back-story for the Vendtor Skull art series.

Vendtor Skull art will be available in print, on selected products and minted as NFTs.

[2] DiscoGypsyFish

Twitter: DiscoGypsyFish

Vendtor Skull NFT Collection: DiscoGypsyFish

Twitter: DiscoGypsyFish

Vendtor Skull on RedBubble: DiscoGypsyFish

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